About me

About David T Nicholas

Born on the Eight month of the Roman calendar on the 13th day in the year 1990 . Was the seventh born in my family out of Eight all of us were born at home and  All of it  happened In one of the most blessed countries in the world in a state called Nagaland very little can i remember of it is a state in the north-east of India beautiful tales and wonders of beauty one would call it really proud to be born in a place i just heard off . wonderful is in it I've just surprised you by saying i was born in a place I've just heard yes that is my life full of surprises and adventures I've covered almost all the adjectives in my life because i live in a country as such full of vast experiences , different people , culture , languages and much more which i can keep on naming. 


(update of my biographic will be done from time to time)

list of all the links related to my biography and all about me ...


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